Pure Print
Classical Printmaking in Contemporary Art


– Self publishing in printmaking is a common practice. The artist is responsible for the entire process, from idea, to design, production and including distribution. Within this theme, artists will present an overview of their aesthetic intent; explain how techniques and processes employed serve their work, where they have concentrated their expertise, commitment and reverence for the print tradition. Such talks on the various processes employed by the artists will be held at exhibitions venues or lecture rooms and therefore will be providing general public insightful commentary on the subject of printmaking, transmitting the diverse conceptual and stylistic approaches. These presentations will also allow the public to visualize how artists explore the boundaries of print related methods as a means to question the mutability of print practice in the digital age.

Lectures can be presented in Portuguese, Spanish and English.


16 September – 14pm (to be confirmed)

Aleksandra Janik: Cutting Edge printmaking / Where is printmaking? In search of new meanings.


17 September – 14pm

Malgorzata Warlikowska: Prints thermosealable



Marta Aguilar, Carmen Wilckens, Maria UrgalSEMINAR: Gráfica contemporánea. Dibujo, grabado y tecnologías.


10 October

Mare Saare: Glass, Inspirations and meanings.


21 October

Hugo Besard: Art and Nature


28 october

Luce Delhove: Texture of Matter and Light


27 November

Ad Stijnman: The Colourful Printed Past: early colour printmaking 1450-1700.