25 – 28 November
Peter Bosteels: Time based Art. A connection between traditional printmaking and animation.
Nowadays lots of artist use mixed media as their form of expression. Some of them try to combine the native educational direction, they acquired as a student, with other forms of media, such as animation. In this workshop we like to introduce the participant into the world of animation by use of printmaking as footage. The students will be using their own printed matter as base for a small movie.
Because of the limited time and the large amount of workload, which is part of making an animation we will use existing printed images (intaglio, lithography, Blok prints, etc.) from the students as base for the animation.
We will form small groups of students (max.5 students/group), who work together, creating a scenario, based on the selected footage. They will produce additional images (drawings, cut-outs, video, etc.) to make a series of images and scenes. For this, they can use different techniques, explained in a demonstration, at the start of the course.
The obtained images will then be digitalised using a scanner or camera and, if necessary manipulated (in Photoshop and/or a morphing application) and composed in a digital composing application (f.e.: After Effects). In between sound or music can be added.
Finally the obtained animation will be rendered and projected or shown on screen.
Day 1: Introduction and demonstration
Glossary of animations,made by students printmaking of the Academy of Antwerp
Proposition of assignment and selection of existing images
Forming the groups
Day 2: Propositions and discussion about scenarios
Dividing of tasks
Start of digitalisation process of existing material
Creation of supplementary footage
Day 3: adding footage and digitalisation
Composing the shots
If necessary: morphing of images
Day 4: finalisation and rendering
DVD burning and presentation
Time based Art. A connection between traditional printmaking and animation.
25 – 28 November
Schedule:Monday 25/11 – 17:00 -20:00/ Tuesday 26/11 – 17:00-20:00/ Wednesday 27/11 – 14:00-20:00/Thursday 28/11 – 17:00-20:00
Vacancies: 15
Room: Technology Pavilion – 303